ZVSE ERMS_ScriptName=Arcane Tower ERMS_ScriptAuthor=SergRoj (original version's author is Donald X) ERMS_ScriptVersion=1.0.0 ERMS_ScriptDate=25.09.2004 ERMS_ScriptERMVersion=2.70 ERMS_ScriptLanguage=English ERMS_ScriptUsedVariables=v1-v9;z1;z403mustn'tbechanged ERMS_ScriptUsedFlags=1-2 ERMS_ScriptUsedFunctions=FU620 _WARNING_#1=IMPORTANT! This file is not in a plain text format. NEVER use any editor except ERM_S for making any kind of changes! ERMS_PoweredBy=ERM Scripter v. 2003.5.19.2212 sergroj@hotbox.ru _DECLARATION_Initialization= !#VRz403:S^Arcane Tower^; !#HT63/9:T403; _DECLARATION_OB Arcane tower trigger= !?OB63/9&1000; !!UN:P104/?y1; !!IF&y1=1:M^A ghost floats down a staircase and glides up to you. It floats there, flickering, regarding you. At last it speaks. "It is well that you came here, traveller. I can help you."^; !!IF&y1=1:Q1^The ghost continues. "I can make you strong, give you power - perhaps as much power as I have! But it will cost you dearly. I can give you skill at attack, defense, spellcasting, or knowledge... in return, I require the same. One for one. Are you interested?"^; !!IF&y1=1/-1:M^"Ah, traveller, you will know one day that you have erred."^; !!HE-1&1/y1=1:W?y2/1; !!IF&1/y1=1/y2<130:V1/0 M^"Than come back tomorrow... You are too tired today."^; !!IF&y1<>1:V1/0; !!VRz-1&1:S^Attack^; !!VRz-2&1:S^Defence^; !!VRz-3&1:S^Spell Power^; !!VRz-4&1:S^Knowledge^; !!VRz1&1:S^"Of course. Who wouldn't be? What do you want to learn?"^; !!IF&1:G1/1/1/1/-1/-2/-3/-4/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0; !!VRz1&1:S^"What will you pay for that?"^; !!IF&1/v1=1:G1/2/1/1/-2/-3/-4/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0; !!IF&1/v1=2:G1/2/1/1/-1/-3/-4/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0; !!IF&1/v1=4:G1/2/1/1/-1/-2/-4/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0; !!IF&1/v1=8:G1/2/1/1/-1/-2/-3/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0; !!VRv1&1/v1=4:S3; !!VRv1&1/v1=8:S4; !!VRv2&1/v2=4:S3; !!VRv2&1/v2=8:S4; !!VRv2&v2>=v1:+1; !!VRv3&1:S0 -v1; !!VRv4&1:S0 -v2; !!VRz1&1:S^"Look what you'll have. Are you sure you still want to learn {^+zv3+^} skill and pay with the {^+zv4+^} skill?"^; !!VRv3&1:Sv1 +30; !!VRv4&1:Sv2 +30; !!VRv1&1:+5; !!VRv2&1:+5; !!HE-1&1:F?v6/?v7/?v8/?v9/1; !!VRv5&1:Svv2; !!VRv5&1/v2<8:+1; !!HE-1&1:F?v6/?v7/?v8/?v9; !!IF&1/v5<=1:M^"You can't trick me! You have none to pay!"^; !!IF&1/v5<=1:V1/0; !!IF&1:V2/1; !!FU620&1:P; !!IF&1/-2:V1/0 M^"Ah, traveller, you will know one day that you have erred."^; !!DO620/3/v5/1&1/2/v5>=3:P; !!IF&1:M^The ghost admires its handiwork. "Your new powers are affecting you. I can see the change already..."^; _DECLARATION_Function 620= Change skills !?FU620; !!HE-1&2:W?y1/1; !!IF&2/y1<130:V1/0; !!VRvv1&1/2:+1; !!VRvv2&1/2:-1; !!IF&1/2:Q2/v3/vv1/v4/vv2/2/z1; !!HE-1&1/2:Fv6/v7/v8/v9 Wd-130; !!VRz1&1/2:S^"Excellent! The same trade again?"^; !!UN&1/2:R1; !!IF&-1/2:V2/0 M^The ghost admires its handiwork. "Your new powers are affecting you. I can see the change already. {But} {you} {are} {too} {tired.} {Let's} {continue} {tomorrow}..."^;